Offshore wind consultation drop-in session

12:30 - 14:00 | Thursday 14th December 2023

In Spring 2024, the States Assembly will debate whether to support the principle of developing a wind farm in the south-west of Jersey’s waters. There is a public consultation running until 16 February 2024 to help States Members understand the current views of Islanders. You are invited to come along at any time during this drop-in session to find out more about what is being proposed and to ask your questions.  

The event is a drop-in rather than a presentation with Q&A so Islanders are invited to come along and ask any questions they might have so that they can take part of the consultation survey. Find out about what the States Assembly will be debating, the longer term time lines for the project including where a wind farm could be located, how it could be funded, the potential benefits of the project and what concerns people may have including potential environmental impacts etc.